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Will their be an English dub for the game?
  - There will both be an English translation and an English dub! Depending on stretch goals, we'd like to add a bunch more languages so more people can enjoy the game!

How will the unique animations for the combo Force Breaks work when any character can change their weapon?
  - Force Breaks aren't determined by ARM type, but rather by the character. So even if you change their ARM, it won't change the character's Force Breaks.

Will party members have elemental affinities? A character stronger with fire magic than ice for example.
  - Characters have no elemental affinities, but attacks will! It's very important to attack your enemies with their elemental weaknesses!

What determined bringing Sasaki back to do the character designs.
  - We decided that Sasaki-san's designs were the most suited for Armed Fantasia's story. She's worked very hard with us over the last 15 years to make wilderness RPGs with us. She is very reliable and we're glad to have her with us.

One of the preview videos shown for gameplay had some platforming used for exploration. Is platforming going to be a major part of world exploration outside of combat, and how much will the gadgets factor into giving players more platforming options?
  - Platforming is very important in Armed Fantasia. Everyone will have plenty of Actions to use, and you can combine them with Gadgets to get over various obstacles!

Will there be farming for berries like in WA3?
  - Sorry, there will be no farming of berries in secret gardens this time around.

Will there be optional side areas to explore like ruins and caves?
  - There will be side areas! However, to make many side areas, we'll need lots of development funds! I'd definitely like to include TONS of side areas, so please continue your support!

Will there be parrots to tell you hints?
  - We have no intention of using parrots like in WA. However, we're thinking up some other character to include to give you hints!

How many pieces of armor each character will be able to wear?
  - This game won't actually have defensive equipment. Your character will get more defense by upgrading their arms. Out of the currently revealed ones, the one with the most defense is the Spear!

Will there be magically locked chests and doors that requires an item similar to duplicators?
  - I'd definitely like to make some chests that require Duplicators and place them all over the game world! I hope you look forward to it!

Will continues be infinite or something like gimel coins will be required?
  - This time around, there will be unlimited continues! We want everyone who plays the game to get to the ending!

Is there any intention (like in the original Wild Arms) to have a character learning skills from the environment and experiences?
  - In the new game, you get most skills through buying new ARMs. But I love the system of learning skills through the environment and experiences. I'll have to have a talk with the Battle System lead and think about how to implement it!

Will you be adding something that feels like a fighting game mechanic?
  - We will have some skills that look like they came out of fighting games, but we have no plans on having the controls for them act like fighting game commands!

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