Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood FAN
The addition of ARM has appeared in the stretch goals, which one seems to be the strongest when these are included?
- I am still undecided, but the way it looks now, it would be a bayonet. Also, in the game system of Cross-Order Tactics, being fast is strong in itself, so I think guns will naturally become stronger.
The addition of ARM has appeared in the stretch goals, what direction do you plan to take the whips?
- It is expected to be a weapon that mainly debuffs in a completely different direction from other weapons.
Is there a Monster Book in the achievement system?
- I personally would like to do it, but will discuss with the development team.
The description of the game system is all about means of attack and no mention of recovery methods. What are the main recovery methods?
- This time, there is no dedicated healer role. If we create a specific healer, he will inevitably have to be included in boss battles, and the originality of his/her own unique composition will fade. All party members will have some kind of recovery skill.
Will there be a robot mascot character who will travel with us in Armed Fantasia?
- Unfortunately, robot mascot charactor do not appear in the game.However, we do have Strisch the Izuna!
The attractive main characters have been revealed. If you were to give these six people a short tagline like "naive and foolhardy," what would it be?
- "The Unfinished Journey and the Wilderness"...It may sound like a lyric from somewhere. Maybe it's our catchphrase rather than the main characters.
Does the costume change system include swimsuits?
- Currently, only tyhe implementation of the costume change system has been decided, so it is completely undercided who will wear what.
One thing I absolutely loved about Wild Arms 1-3 is the numerous books that you could read around the world which contained lore information. Is this something that we can expect in Armed Fantasia?
- Although not directly related to the main story, the presence of books that complements the setting and gives a glimpse of the other side of the story is very important. We hope to include elements like that, and not just books, so please look forward to it.
It seems that Armed Fantasia's anomaly designs feature a realistic touch, but will catchy mysterious designs --like Wild Arms's Fairylight, Niebass, and Crawling Chaos-- also appear?
- Of course, I would like to prepare a strange design of that type.However, securing variation is directly linked to the development budget, and the current situation is quite difficult.
Do the monsters in Armed Fantasia mean black shadows on a red background, or Rescue Soldier becoming faster!?
- The production details have yet to be decided, and will be part of our work form now on. Whether or not it will have some Japanese superhero flavor to it or not is undecided. But I do want it to be something special.
Iconic soul food in Rondenium, we can count on that, right?
- If there is a scene where we eat, there will be an opportunity for some food to appear.
Will there be immoral books as monsters...?
- Currently, there are no plans for any of the kaiju to appear among the monster who are dominating the Londenium. However, if we can raise a lot of money through the campaign, we will be happy to make an appearance.
If there is no Ragu O Ragula and no Tony, does that mean there will be no that Demon King?
- The "Demon King has become outdated and is not scheduled to appear at this time.However, we would like to consider it if the demand for it is high and we can gather enough funds to create many monsters. I myself love that Demon King.(We have already prepared the "settings" for a new design.)
Will charismatic villains like those in the original Wild Arms and Wild Arms XF play a big role?
- I can't say anything definite about the charismatic villain because I haven't completed writing the scenario yet....It is only a set-up, but there will be some very nasty enemies that will be tough to defeat.
What avenge of person is who stands in the way of Ingram and his friends? A magic spearman with mercury flowing through his body? A freezing hell in white tights? Or an alien with a space brain? An old man who punches missiles? I would like to know as much as I can publish now.
- Whether they are friend or foe, we are planning to introduce characters who think differently from Ingram and his friends. I can only say so much at the moment, but I think I have already given you a very slight hint.
Of the characters whose information has not been disclosed at this time, what character would you recommend and what are your recommendations (even at the level of foreshadowing without explicitly talking about it)?
- There is one guy who is insanely cool! When I saw the first draft drawn by Mr. Sasaki, I was rolling with laughter because it was so cool. (Compliments).
Will there be any "robots" in Armed Fantasia, and will they be of the type that have a clear worldview, such as the golem in Wild Arms?
- The Londenium has a history set up over 10,000 years. In that history, there have been several occasions in which giant humanoid weapons have appeared.About 1,000 years before the time in which the game is set, there was a major battle in which giant humanoid weapons were deployed in the battlefield.
Is there anyone in Armed Fantasia who tells a different story 365 days a year when you talk to them?
- I love the daily text and would like to do something about it...but that one is a lot of work. I will keep staring at the funds raised and decide on implementation after the campaign is over.
If there are illegal ARMs, does that mean there will be characters like Cascade industry in Wild Arms 3?
- As long as they are out there, those who use illegal ARMs will appear. It would be a shame to just end up with a setup, wouldn't it?
What do you plan for the event scenes of conversations between characters in Armed Fantasia to look like? For example, will it be a method like Wild Arms 4, where a standing picture of the character having the conversation appears?
- Currently, we envision an event scene with a 3D model.
Is "Migratory Bird" a team name? Or is it a rank of adventurer?
- It is a "generic term" for adventurers who earn romance and rewards in return for numerous dangers.
Are there any keywords that make migratory birds and conformists giggle, for example, "Fulcanelli"? ( *Conformist means a fan of the "Senki Zesshou Symphogear" series.)
- We are not thinking about the appearance of Fulcanelli at this time.I think I have already planted a few key words here and there that will make you giggle.
The six weapons that are considered to be the basic type of ARM seem to be an unusual and twisted choice, but I wonder if they have any significance in the world setting.I am also curious about the omission of the orthodox sword.
- I have never made a selection in terms of general.My intentions vary, but my choice of weapon is based on my intention (or hobby) of "I want this character to have this weapon!"
Is it possible to disclose the theme or keywords of this work?
- If we reveal the theme before the release of the product, we are likely to force players to read according to that theme, so we do not reveal the theme until some time after the product is released.
I understand that the game is based on an original RPG scenario that you had planned to create in the past, but do you already have a rough story line in mind (such as the enemies, the ending of the scenario, etc.)?
- Since the story is conceived in the inductive method, the general flow and climax have already been determined.
Are you thinking of using lightning, or electricity, etc. in your gadgets?
- It might be interesting to use electricity and lightning. Our staff is currently in the process of thinking about it.
Force Break is positioned as the same as Finest Arts, correct? (*Finest Arts are the enhanced attacks that have appeared in Wild Arms 3 and later.)
- In terms of special damage sources, they may be synonymous. However, I think it has a wider range of uses than the Finest Arts, such as connecting our attacks, hindering enemy attacks, and many other uses.
Do you plan to implement special moves with flashy effects?
- It is flashy in its presentation and assumes a very powerful special move.